Osteoporosis: the Silent Disease Educational PowerPoint
Osteoporosis: The Silent Disease – PowerPoint Available
Educational PowerPoint presentation about osteoporosis. It is suitable for those aged 12 to 18 years. It is also suitable for people interested in learning more about Osteoporosis or students working on college projects. It comes with a workbook.
The DVD is presented by teenagers for teenagers. The Workbook is a set of questions and answers specifically designed to complement the DVD. The PowerPoint presentation has 140 slides full of information on: Osteoporosis; osteopenia; risk factors for bone loss; lifestyle choices; nutrition; exercise; detailed information on the bone.
This package can assist teachers in all areas (science, home economics, biology, PE etc.) It can also help in educating students on all aspects of Osteoporosis. The presentation can be adjusted to suit age groups from 12-18 years of age.
The Irish Osteoporosis Society Charity asks that the packages are only shared within the “one school” who purchase it as this project is an ongoing fundraiser for the Charity.