Osteoporosis and Osteopenia risk factors outside your control include the following:
Physical activity: If you spend most of your day sitting, then you have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis than those who are physically active.
Smoking: Not only is smoking bad for your general health but it is also known to contribute to weaker bones negatively affect bone health.
Excess alcohol: Regularly consuming more than two alcoholic drinks a day increases your chances of developing osteoporosis.
Diet: Calcium and vitamin D are essential for bone health. If you are not getting the daily recommended amounts, then you may be at increased risk of breaking bones.
Excess caffeine affects bone health
Excess Fibre: we recommend not to take more than 30 grams of fibre a day.
Eating disorders/ Over exercising or both; Please reach out for help as the secondary affects causes significant bone loss, as well as affecting your overall health and fertility. Loss of periods are common with these issues.
Vegan we recommend people eat a variety of foods, not limit themselves to certain foods, especially when it can place a person at risk of bone loss. All vegans should get a DXA scan done and monitor their bone health throughout their life.