Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the inside of your bones, making them fragile. The images above show how Osteoporosis causes large holes to develop in the inside of your bones, which is why they break easily. Broken bones are also known as fractures. Example: You have been told that you have fractured vertebrae/ collapsed vertebrae/crushed vertebrae, which all mean you have broken bones in your back.
Osteopenia is the early stages of Osteoporosis. Research shows that most broken bones (fractures) occur in the moderate to marked Osteopenia range, which is a DXA scan T score result of -1.5 to -2.49. FYI: A person can be diagnosed with Osteopenia in their hips and Osteoporosis in their back or the reverse.
Yes, it is very rare when a person cannot improve their bones. We know of 90-year-olds who have improved their bone health.
Anyone can develop Osteoporosis, as it affects women and men of all age groups and can even affect children. You will not feel the insides of your bones getting thinner, which is why everyone should check to see if they have risk factors for bone loss. 50% of women and 25% of men over 50 will break a bone from Osteoporosis. Women over 65 are the highest risk group affected as they will have gone through the menopause, which is when a significant amount of bone can be lost. 90% of fractured hips (broken hips) are due to Osteoporosis and 7 out of 10 hip fractures happen to women.
There are approximately 200 causes of bone loss. Some causes are secondary effects from other diseases, treatments for other diseases and others are lifestyle choices. The following are some of the many risk factors, the Menopause, Family history especially of a broken hip, Radiation, chemotherapy and some treatments for breast and prostate cancer. Rheumatoid arthritis, Coeliac disease/Gluten sensitivity and Low levels of sex hormones in females and males. Anorexia/Bulimia, over exercising, Lack of weight bearing exercise, many medications such as protein pump inhibitors, others that contain cortisone such as steroid asthmatic inhalers, some anti-depressants and some water pills, Low calcium and/or Vitamin d levels, Physiological or psychological stress, smoking and excess alcohol.
Untreated Osteoporosis can lead to a person breaking multiple bones, which can lead to disfigurement, pain, incontinence, and loss of independence. It is estimated that only 19% of people with bone loss are diagnosed, which is why it is so important that you check to see if you have risk factors for bone loss.
A DXA scan will show if you have lost bone, and a DXA scan of your spine and hips is the only test we recommend for screening and diagnosing Osteoporosis. A DXA scan takes 15 minutes, is painless and it is not claustrophobic. We recommend repeat DXA scanning to monitor your response to your Osteoporosis treatment, minimum every two years.
Your DXA scan results should not decline, this must be investigated. There are many reasons why this can occur.
There are different types of treatments for Osteoporosis and the best treatment for you will depend on your age, your DXA scan results, if you have broken bones or are high risk to break bones, your medical history and the most important, the causes of your bone loss.
We are the National experts in Osteoporosis, and we only recommend treatments that have had extensive clinical research done on them to ensure they reduce your risk of breaking bones.
Calcium and Vitamin D are essential for helping to prevent bone loss, and also to improve your bone health, as well as overall health. We recommend that you try to get both from food, and only take a supplement if this is not possible.
Yes, but you need to be very careful what exercises and stretches you do. To stay independent, it is essential that you exercise but you should be assessed to see what exercises are safe and appropriate for you. Adults need 30 minutes of weight bearing exercise a day and children need 60 minutes of weight bearing exercise a day.
Many stretches in yoga, such as touching your toes with your legs straight. High impact step aerobics, trampolines and regular sit ups. Lifting heavy weights or objects, twisting your back with your feet not moving as your twist, skiing and vibrating machines. Senior citizens should not lift young babies or children, even if they do not have bone loss, as it is extremely unsafe for the grandparent and the child.
Contact us for more information, as we are the National experts in Osteoporosis.
Contact us for more information, as we are the National experts in Osteoporosis.
Men are at a significant disadvantage when it comes to Osteoporosis because it is commonly perceived to be an older women’s disease. All men need to check if they have risk factors for bone loss, as men are at risk of Osteoporosis.